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What this listing includes:


  • Please be aware this is for an emailed digital file ONLY.
  • Your file will also be retouched (Skin softening, stray hair removal)
  • Additional retouching services are an additional charge (Ex: teeth whitening, glass glare removal, facial slimming)



  1. Choose from the drop down menu if you are purchasing additional images.  Select NONE if not and only purchasing 1 image.
  2. Type in the image Image Number(s) you are choosing to purchase

*Prints can be purchased seperately under our "Small Prints" section.

**Retouching for additional image(s) purchases or special request retouching not listed herein can be purchased under our "Specialty Goods/Services" section.




  • Headshots are usually ready within 1-2 days of placing your order.  Please include a note if you need it sooner.


When placing your order please include the entire session name followed by the image number.

Example: SmithJan0219_029, 43, 63, 102


The session name will only need to be given once in an entire order if ordering from a single session.


Extra retouching work such as braces removal, acne removal, & headswaps can be purchased through the "Specialty Goods" section of our products page.

Professional Headshot

  • You are granted permission to print UP TO an 11"x14" from the image numbers listed as only "Digital Images" within this receipt.  When using for publication, social media, or any other listings - "Photo by Brandi K. Autry Photography" must be included.


    Any other products ordered within this receipt lies outside of this release, thus, permission is not conveyed, or given, to duplicate any other products ordered titled as "Small Prints," "Wall Portraits," etc.


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